This blogs name is taken from the movie Let The Right One In. But this isnt about the movie. This blog will probably be everywhere. This may end up being a PSA. But who knows. I know the next one after this one will be another song break down. Well once I figure out the track I want to to. I have a few ideals but nothing set in stone. But here it goes.
Where do I start? I think this will be a PSA. A different kind of PSA that I have done in the past.. This will be basically a big Fuck Off. So in the end you may pretty well be pissed off. But If you cant have and open mind and let this all sink in then you have no business reading my blogs.
Hate. Thats such a strong word. People now a days tossed that word around. They have tossed it around so much that it has become a fashion statement per say. I dont use the word hate very often. There are a few that I hate with every ounce of my body. Im not going to get into it in this blog. That was something that I have dealt with over the years and learned not to let it get to me.
But kids these days hate anything and everything. Its becoming part of the click. A new thing to do. OOO I hate Jenny because her hair is blonder than mine.. Or I hate Josh because he broke up with Lisa. Hate has become the new black. It seems that once one person starts to hate then others will follow. Kinda like a domino effect. One person hates then it falls from there. Sometimes that kind of hate blows up and gets out of control. We all know about Hitlers reign in Germany. Well that all started with one guys hate. And bam almost a whole nation killed off because of hate.
Silly kids these days will start drama just to have that hate.. Its like they wake up and say "Today is a good day. I think Im going to start hating Julie because I dont have anyone else to hate." Its things like this that will see a kid bring a gun to school. Do we really need another school shooting. But hate is nothing new. Hate has been around since the beginning of time. Adam hated Eve and Eve hated Adam. Maybe not but you get the ideal.
Now this next part will piss a few people off and really I dont care. I believe that the bible was created for "Crowed Control". Think about it a book telling the life of someone in hopes you lead a honest hate free life. But this little book and all the books like it has cause some of the hateful fights. People have died to keep these words a live. Thats all they are just words written from a text no one really understands. Words getting miss interpreted over the years. Things get lost and people take them the wrong way.
Hate is define as:
1. To have a great aversion to, with a strong desire that evil should befall the person toward whom the feeling is directed; to dislike intensely; to detest; as, to hate one's enemies; to hate hypocrisy.
Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. --1 John iii. 15.
2. To be very unwilling; followed by an infinitive, or a substantive clause with that; as, to hate to get into debt; to hate that anything should be wasted.
I hate that he should linger here. --Tennyson.
3. (Script.) To love less, relatively. --Luke xiv. 26.
Even the definition to hate cant describe exactly what it means. There is so more than just that. So why has this became a fad now? I blam it on the parents and there parents. I was brought up to hate. Yes I was taught to hate some races and taught all the hateful words to say. But I learned over the years that its not worth it. I dont hate and I never did except those few people that I actually do. Thats another blog for another time. So if you're still reading this and not pissed then you arent a hateful person. But if you are a little mad then read these words and live your hateful life toward them.
1: Dont hate, we dont have very long on this planet as it is.
2: Smile and get the fuck over it.
3: Dont start drama just because you want to get attention.
4: Give hugs. Hugs can be the greatest thing in the world if you let it be.
5: Just turn around: If someone starts hating you then just turn around. No need to add wood to the fire.
Im not saying that I know everything, but this is just a piece of my mind. Some random thoughts and what not. If you dont like them then dont read these. These are meant for education, entertainment, and to piss people off. For now this is it.. Enjoy.
Friday, July 29, 2011
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